Jul 30, 20214 min

Deep Plane Face Lift Surgery

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Deep Plane Face Lift

Especially for women, the years that have passed are very challenging in terms of undesirable conditions that occur on the skin. Especially sagging skin and wrinkles occur due to gravity and decreased collagen production over the years. The deep plane facelift is an effective solution developed for these problems.

Since the idea that aging is inevitable, women resort to many methods to prevent it. While preventive or retarding solutions can be found at a young age, face lifting is inevitable at a later age. Because the tissue that succumbs to gravity is sagging, distortion occurs in the face. Removal of excess tissue is only possible with surgery.

The deep plane facelift is the most effective among facelift operations. After removing the excess skin, a more natural and permanent result is obtained, as the stretching of the tissues under the skin is also provided.

In general, in facelift operations, the goal is to eliminate lines, folded tissues, sagging and make the jawline look more oval. In this way, the face looks younger and more dynamic. A person's age and skin problems or expectations determine the size of the facelift that will be applied.

Facelift surgery is generally performed for 40 years and older, except in special cases. Since many applications can be used for problems at an earlier age, surgical procedures are not recommended to all patients.

What Is Deep Plane Facelift?

It is a permanent and effective surgical procedure developed for sagging problems in the jawline, cheek, and neck area that attracts the most attention on the face. If you look at what is a deep plane facelift, it seems that it is a procedure performed through incisions made based on the hairline and ear circumference. It is a practice that is revolutionary with its faster healing compared to older techniques.

The deep plane facelift method, if done in the early stages of aging, helps prevent the problem from repeating for many years and eliminates the traces of aging brought by time.

Facelift operations applied depending on age and problem can be evaluated under 2 headings. These are as follows:

1-Mid Facelift (medium facelift): it is applied for sagging around the eyes and cheek. With the help of an incision made in the hair in the temple area, the skin is stretched. Because it is a local stretch, it is not effective for sagging that exists in the neck or jaw. It has a very gratifying effect when it is performed as a first intervention when signs of aging appear.

2-Deep Plane Facelift: a procedure that starts from the temple area and follows the circumference of the ear and continues from the back of the ear to the hairline. This method, which is effective on the entire face and neck, is usually applied in people over the age of 50. Since the places where the incision is made are at the natural fold of the skin or the hairline line, the risk is very small. Deep plane facelift prices vary according to the procedure performed.

How is the Deep Plane Face Lift Operated?

The deep plane facelift is a surgical procedure applied to sagging and deep wrinkles on the entire face and neck. As the years go by, the skin tissue begins to sag and wrinkle for various reasons. Facelift operations are inevitable, as superficial interventions in people over a certain age do not work.

The deep plane facelift is a procedure that starts from the temple area and follows the circumference of the ear and is applied with the help of incisions stored in the hairline behind the ear. This process is performed by stretching the skin through incisions and removing the excess part. Since the stitches are between the natural fold lines or at the hairline, there is a little risk of scarring.

With this procedure, which is very effective for neck sagging, the overall recovery of the face occurs as expected in almost all patients. The jawline becomes clear, the cheeks are pulled up, as excess tissue is removed, a general strain of facial tissue is obtained.

Deep Plane Facelift Recovery Process?

After the Deep plane facelift, it can be said that the recovery will be rapid, depending on the patient's overall health. The healing process, which must be continued by adhering to the recommendations of doctors, passes comfortably as long as the necessary instructions are followed. Possible swelling and bruising during the healing phase, supported by painkillers, also go away after about 10 days.

On the first day after the surgery, a neck brace is attached to the patient. The neck brace is a preventive detail in the formation of swelling and bruises. It is recommended to be worn for at least 2 weeks after surgery. 

A temporary state of weakness may occur after surgery. After the operation, the patient is recommended to eat something after 2 hours. Following this procedure, walking will be useful. 1-day supervision in the hospital is sufficient. 

The patient should also be rested at home when moving from the hospital to the house. A week after the operation, the bandages are removed, as well as the stitches. Bandages are very important for the realization of textural attachment of the freed skin. It also has a preventive effect on the formation of edema. After the stitches are removed, the patient can wear makeup.

3 weeks after the deep plane facelift, if a person has a problem with numbness, it will disappear. When going out, the patient should definitely use highly protective sunscreen. Unprotected exposure to the sun negatively affects the healing phase of the stitches. In general, if the necessary conditions are adhered to, a full recovery can be mentioned in as little as 3 weeks.

Even though the full recovery occurs within a month after the surgery, patients should take care of their surgical areas for at least 4-6 months to make sure the healing process is complete without any unwanted occurrences. Consulting the surgeon who operated the surgery throughout this process is essential.