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Hollywood Smile Price

Updated: May 18, 2022

Hollywood Smile Treatment

Hollywood Smile

Hollywood smile treatment is the process of getting rid of problems with teeth, gums, and lips that cannot get the desired result with their aesthetically pleasing smiles or deteriorating appearance for various reasons and turning them into a natural and beautiful appearance suitable for teeth. The Hollywood laugh is tailor-made for every patient.

What Is Hollywood Smile?

To get a beautiful smile, you need not only white teeth but also the right shape, healthy position, and tooth proportions, comfortable and low-precision teeth. The main purpose of Smile Design is to improve your teeth. Hollywood Smile is a kind of aesthetic smile design that has been trending all over the world in recent years. Hollywood stars have always attracted attention with a flawless, confident smile. Now everyone can have the natural smile they have always dreamed of.

Hollywood Smile Treatment With Remedy Istanbul

For Hollywood smile treatment, perfect and attractive-looking teeth with extremely natural white are very important. Besides, the color of the skin, the color, and size of the front teeth, the alignment of the upper teeth with the lower are also important factors. For a Hollywood smile treatment, there are 4 main rules: the upper incisors must be smooth and contain no visible filler. The second, incisors in the upper center should be more prominent. Teeth, including molars, should be visible when smiling. Lower incisors are also desirable to appear. Symmetrical opening of the lips is important when smiling, the upper gum appears as 2 mm.

Lip width should take up no more than 3/1 of the face. Who would not want to have a beautiful and expressive smile and shiny teeth? Beautiful teeth and a confident smile make a good first impression.

Your mouth, teeth, and smile are the first things people notice about you. A pleasant smile often puts a person one step ahead in daily life and business life. With current technology, it is possible for a person to a happy life with a beautiful smile that reveals communication and appearance.

The Shape of the teeth, tooth decay, abrasions, yellowing in color and sometimes greying with some dental problems, and symmetry affects the people and causes aesthetic problems. Some patients apply to dentists not only for oral and dental health reasons but also for aesthetic reasons. Hollywood smile surgery is often preferred to eliminate appearance problems that affect people's social lives and, in some cases, can lead to mental disorders.

With the aesthetic smile arise from the combination of medicine, art, and experience, everyone can get the smile they dream of. If you are not satisfied with the appearance and smile of your teeth and uncomfortable with laughing, you can get the look they want with the help of technological and aesthetic dental operations. This operation, performed by professional physicians in authorized clinics, allows many patients to bring their lives to much healthier points. Hollywood Smile makes your mouth look more attention-grabbing, clean, and healthy.

Hollywood Smile Prices

Hollywood Smile Prices

Would you like get more information about hollywood smile treatment cost in Turkey?

The price of Hollywood Smile will vary depending on the clinic performing the operation and the amount of the procedure. Communication with your dentist before the operation is very important. Factors such as facial features, jaw structure, nose type, height, weight, and character of the person who will undergo the operation are considered. In this way, the person who has the smile aesthetic has a perfect appearance.

There are different types of smiles. The purpose of an attractive smile can be the desire to be a point of interest and attention.

Along with this operation, the length of the teeth is equalized. Having white teeth is not always enough. Sometimes the appearance of tangled and variable teeth also causes problems. This aesthetic smile combines dentistry and art to eliminate the distorted shape and asymmetry of teeth. It treats caries, worn and discolored teeth.

The price of a Hollywood smile is an amount that meets the operation. Because the thin ceramics that stick to the teeth after the operation are both aesthetic and protect the surfaces of the teeth from effects such as breakage, tooth decay, and impact. Porcelain or composite laminate is used in Hollywood Smile.

For those who choose the laminate type, the following processes are followed: first, the teeth and their structure are revealed, and a model is built for the teeth. An ideal tooth is designed. Dental prototypes are prepared according to the data received. Prototypes are placed on the person's teeth to see what the teeth look like. Real teeth are applied to the person who is satisfied with these prototypes in 4-6 days.

Dozens of famous Hollywood Smile operations are being carried out in Turkey. Dentists will make some suggestions for a Hollywood smile that will add a new dimension, charm, and perfect your look. You are free to create a better look with a Hollywood smile treatment that enriches your smile, on-trend haircuts, and skincare routine.

How To Make Hollywood Smile?

When designing a Hollywood smile, it is very important to understand the patient's aesthetic expectations and accurately determine their needs. According to the measurements taken from the patient's mouth, problems are detected, and plans are made for models. Then, the patient's mouth and face photos are measured in a computer environment using special programs and their suitability for the shape of the face is calculated. After treatment, images closest to the patient are presented with programs and ideas with temporary restorations recorded in the patient's mouth.

If orthodontic treatment is not required after planning is completed, gum level disorders are regulated. In case of missing teeth, planned implantation procedures and other necessary surgical applications are performed. After the healing process of surgical applications is completed, teeth whitening procedures are applied if necessary. After this stage, visual and formal defects in the teeth are sometimes corrected with aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this method is not sufficient, veneer and zirconium veneers are activated next to porcelain laminate.

If porcelain or zirconium applications are deemed appropriate, some changes can be made by repeating the patient's ideas during rehearsals during the stages. In all these gums and dental applications and samples, the target design is determined by considering the shape and contour of the lips. Medical aesthetic practices are sometimes used to create a smile. Defective parts of the skin on the lips and face are filled.

The benefits of Hollywood Smile have made this operation very popular recently. Communication between a patient and a doctor is essential to fully meet expectations with a Hollywood smile. The doctor must fully understand the patient's expectations and be able to analyze the treatment results and the patient's expectations.

If you are looking for a dentist in Turkey for hollywood smile treatment, you can check our prices and special offers!