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Matthew McConaughey Hair Transplant

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

Matthew McConaughey Hair Transplant

Born on November 4, 1969, in Texas, Matthew David McConaughey is an American Oscar-winning film actor. Matthew McConaughey's hairline has become more prominent in recent years after a good career turnaround. This is because Matthew McConaughey had a hair transplant operation.

Towards the end of the 1990s, Matthew McConaughey’s hair gradually decreased by stretching backward. However, Matthew McConaughey, who has overcome this hair sparseness experienced today, has revealed that he has undergone hair transplantation. This image is expressed by many as that he has a younger appearance.

Hair is one of the most important factors affecting the appearance of people, and if necessary, people who have undergone a hair transplant operation achieve a younger appearance than before. Especially, Matthew McConaughey, who appeared at the Oscar ceremony, has clearly seen that the hairline has a normal appearance due to the hair transplant procedure.

This proves that Matthew McConaughey had a hair transplant operation. People who experience significant hair loss tend to have hair transplant operations as a permanent solution. Although there are many different methods for hair loss, the permanent process is hair transplantation. Experiencing hair loss can cause problems for people, both physically and psychologically.

Is Hair Transplant a Permanent Solution?

Today, Matthew McConaughey is an actor who draws attention with his hair transplant. In this context, it is also very important that various researchers have been made about the operation he had done. The problem of thinning and baldness begins to occur in people who have hair loss problems or who are experiencing hair loss in a part of their head.

However, today, the development of technology shows its effect in every field, so hair transplantation can be done very easily. Hair transplantation can be described as a natural and permanent solution method and adds a different style to the person. Many people feel young and dynamic when the process is over. Hair transplantation is applied when the hair follicle is no longer actively involved.

When should hair transplantation be done?

The process of transferring healthy hair follicles to the area determined for the person through micro-surgical methods in the sections where the hair follicle no longer plays an active role and where cavities occur in one or more parts is characterized as hair transplantation. In Matthew McConaughey’s hair transplantation process, which is given as an example, the patient's own healthy hair is added to the spilled area. However, the point to be considered here is that patient-specific planning is made during the preparation phase of hair transplantation.

It is implemented in line with the plans made specifically for the person. In the hair transplant operation, strong hair follicles that resist shedding are collected. Then it is planted in the channels opened in the parts that appear as thinning or completely spilled.

How is Hair Transplantation Performed?

In hair transplantation, the main purpose of the process of taking healthy hair from the backside of the head and transplanting it to the places where shedding is observed; is to give the person a hairy appearance permanently and naturally that will not be obvious when the planting is done on the head. Hair transplantation can be described as a minor surgical operation.

For this reason, it will be the safest method to do it in a hospital environment by a team of professional and experienced doctors related to this subject, to achieve successful results, such as where Matthew McConaughey had his hair transplant done. With the hair transplant operation, the person's own hair is permanently provided as if it has never been shed before. Priority in hair transplantation; It is to regain the natural hair look comfortable with the help of modern medical applications.

Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?

Today, almost half of men aged fifty and over have hair loss problems. In this context, hair transplantation is the most applied cosmetic surgery for men. Today, however, hair transplantation is applied not only to men but also to women.

Since many women have male pattern hair loss, people find the permanent solution in Matthew McConaughey’s hair transplantation. Losing hair is not just for men. Many women may also have to struggle with hair loss or thinning. Genetic coding, which is one of the most important causes of hair loss; negatively affects people's living standards and social relations.

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Causes of Hair Loss

 Hair loss can be caused not only by genetic factors, but also by advancing age, after traumatic injuries, or as a result of various medical conditions. After the diagnosis of the individual is made by doctor control, hair transplantation is successfully applied to all people who have sufficient hair follicles within the donor area.

Today, like Matthew McConaughey’s hair transplantation, it is not just for the scalp; In case of loss on all areas with hair on the body, such as eyebrows, mustache, or beard, transplantation techniques are performed very successfully. In practice, the hair follicles taken from the backside of the head are transferred to the targeted bald area and these hair follicles are called grafts.

Hair Transplant Process

After Matthew McConaughey’s hair transplant procedure, which is generally performed under local anesthesia with sedation, a special bandage is applied to the head. Individuals can be discharged within an hour or two. Although it is very rare, it becomes possible to control it with painkillers in case of pain.

FUE Technique

In the FUE method, the hair follicles are taken one by one and planted in the missing parts. In this context, the person to be transplanted must have healthy hair on the back of the head and on the sides to be used as a donor area. However, criteria such as hair color, hardness level, wavy and bushy appearance, as well as other factors can affect the result of the procedure to be performed.

In this context, which technique will be preferred is decided after the hair and scalp analysis, considering the demands of the patient. Hair transplantation can be applied not only for baldness treatment but also to increase hair density in thinned areas.

 The Process After Hair Transplant

Matthew McConaughey Hair Transplant Before After

The transplanted hair falls out within a few weeks following the procedure, as in Matthew McConaughey’s hair transplant procedure. But this situation is quite normal. Because the shed hair starts to grow again after three or four months. After this temporary shedding passes, the transplanted hair follicles preserve their character and prevent shedding.

However, the original hair in the same area may continue to shed over time. Depending on the decrease in hair density, a new hair transplant can be planned in the future.