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Different Abdominoplasty Procedures and Their Results

Different Abdominoplasty Procedures
Different Abdominoplasty Procedures

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal region while tightening the abdominal muscles. This procedure can help restore a firmer, flatter, and more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the abdomen. There are different types of abdominoplasty procedures available, and each is suited for specific patient needs and goals. In this article, we will discuss the various abdominoplasty procedures, their differences, and the results you can expect from each.

Full Abdominoplasty

A full abdominoplasty, or traditional tummy tuck, is the most common type of the procedure. It is best suited for patients with significant excess skin and fat in the abdominal region, as well as weakened or separated abdominal muscles due to factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or aging.

During a full abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes a horizontal incision above the pubic area, extending from one hip bone to the other. The surgeon may also make an incision around the navel to facilitate the removal of excess skin. The abdominal muscles are tightened, excess skin and fat are removed, and the remaining skin is pulled down and sutured into place. The navel is then repositioned, and the incisions are closed.

Results: A full abdominoplasty can provide dramatic improvements in the contour and appearance of the abdomen. Patients can expect a flatter, more toned abdominal area with a reduced waistline. However, it is essential to maintain a stable weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle to ensure long-lasting results.

Mini Abdominoplasty

A mini abdominoplasty, or mini tummy tuck, is a less invasive procedure suitable for patients with mild to moderate excess skin and fat, primarily concentrated in the lower abdominal region below the navel.

During a mini abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes a smaller incision above the pubic area. The abdominal muscles below the navel may be tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed. The remaining skin is pulled down and sutured into place, but the navel remains unchanged.

Results: A mini abdominoplasty offers a more subtle improvement compared to a full abdominoplasty. Patients can expect a smoother, more toned lower abdomen with minimal scarring. As with a full abdominoplasty, maintaining a stable weight and practicing a healthy lifestyle are crucial for lasting results.

Extended Abdominoplasty

An extended abdominoplasty is recommended for patients with significant excess skin and fat extending to the flanks or hips. This procedure combines a traditional tummy tuck with liposuction and additional skin removal to address the sides of the abdomen.

During an extended abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes a longer incision that extends around the sides of the waist. The abdominal muscles are tightened, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen and flanks, and the remaining skin is pulled down and sutured into place. The navel is repositioned, and the incisions are closed.

Results: Extended abdominoplasty offers a more comprehensive improvement in the abdomen and waistline, resulting in a more contoured, slimmer appearance. Maintaining a stable weight and following a healthy lifestyle are essential for preserving these results.

Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty

Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty is a procedure designed for patients with significant excess skin and fat in the upper and lower abdomen, often after massive weight loss. It involves both horizontal and vertical incisions, allowing for more extensive skin removal and tightening.

During a Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes a horizontal incision above the pubic area and a vertical incision extending from the lower chest to the pubic area, creating an inverted T-shape. The abdominal muscles are tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed. The remaining skin is pulled down and sutured into place, and the navel is repositioned.

Results: Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty can provide substantial improvements in the abdominal contour, especially for patients with significant skin laxity in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The procedure results in a flatter, firmer abdomen and an improved waistline. As with other abdominoplasty procedures, maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle are critical for long-lasting results.

Circumferential Abdominoplasty (Belt Lipectomy)

A circumferential abdominoplasty, also known as belt lipectomy, is a comprehensive procedure that addresses excess skin and fat in the entire midsection, including the abdomen, lower back, and buttocks. This procedure is often recommended for patients who have undergone massive weight loss and have excess skin and fat around their entire midsection.

During a circumferential abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision that extends all the way around the waist, similar to a belt. The abdominal muscles are tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed from the entire midsection. The remaining skin is pulled up and sutured into place, and the navel is repositioned.

Results: Circumferential abdominoplasty provides significant improvements in the overall body contour, with a flatter abdomen, a more defined waist, and a lifted buttock area. As with other abdominoplasty procedures, maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle are essential for long-lasting results.


Lipoabdominoplasty is a combination of liposuction and abdominoplasty, designed to address excess fat and skin in the abdominal region simultaneously. This procedure is suitable for patients who have both excess skin and localized fat deposits that cannot be addressed through diet and exercise alone.

During a lipoabdominoplasty, the surgeon first performs liposuction to remove excess fat from the abdominal area and flanks. Then, an abdominoplasty procedure (full, mini, extended, or Fleur-de-Lis) is performed to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles.

Results: Lipoabdominoplasty provides a more comprehensive improvement in the abdominal area, addressing both excess skin and fat deposits. Patients can expect a flatter, more contoured abdomen and waistline. Maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle are essential for long-lasting results.


Abdominoplasty is a versatile and effective procedure that can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns in the abdominal area. Depending on the patient's needs and goals, different types of abdominoplasty procedures can be performed to achieve the desired results. To determine the best approach for your situation, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in abdominoplasty. They will evaluate your individual needs, discuss your options, and recommend the most appropriate procedure for you. Remember that maintaining a stable weight and practicing a healthy lifestyle are crucial for preserving the results of any abdominoplasty procedure.

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